Response to Greta Christina

A limb it is Greta, a limb it is!

Of course your right, “Atheism, technically, means only the conclusion that there are no gods.” So I fail to understand why you would argue that the atheists conclusion, that an interventionist gud does not exist, cannot stand in a vacuum like a conclusion that ‘the sky is blue’ for example?

Political numbers and the associated influence upon the definition of ‘justice’ may well make the world safer for atheists. Equally, political numbers currently serve to make the world less safe for atheists.

True, it makes sense that atheists, from the Macavellian perspective, should join the fray, leverage their numbers and attempt to secure their future…but, it does not, by extension validate a semantic redefinition of atheism.

For an evangelical, justice is served by reminding the sinner of their sins perhaps contributing to everlasting salvation…what could be more just than that?

It would seem, regardless of belief and, based upon limited data, that atheists coalese around an autonomous social core compass Universally it would seem.
Isn’t it better, rather than the philosophical minefield of redefining atheism for political purposes, to understand the reasons this is the case?

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